The Downtown Hazleton Farmers’ Market has been cancelled for 2020 due to challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic. The farmers market which has occurred for last 9 years will return in July 2021
Mary Malone, President and of the Chamber and Krista Schneider of DHAP (Downtown Hazleton Alliance for Progress) noted, “We initially postponed the start in July, hoping we could figure a safe way for both the farmers, vendors and participants to proceed, but as summer has progressed and rules for farm stands and vendors present challenges we decided to cancel.” We appreciate the support of the vendors and especially Burger’ s Farm. We would also like to recognize the partnership and support of the City of Hazleton and at the Parking Authority over the years. We hope to be back next year, and are excited to have the renovations of CAN DO Park completed as well. “If you have questions please contact the CHAMBER at 570-455-1509, by email at .