The definition of a Community Superhero can mean many things to many people.
One of the Hazleton Area’s Community Superheroes are a local family who have contributed so much to the enrichment and betterment of our community. This family, who remains humble, quietly gives to many people in many ways. WYLN-TV 35 owners and operators Joe III, Pat and Joey Gans, the family of Hazleton media pioneers s, will help honor Greater Hazleton's CommUNITY Superheroes when they serve as grand marshals of the 2016 Funfest Parade.
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The Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce will hold a Schmooze a’ Palooza luncheon program on Thursday, Sept. 8th from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at El Pilon Restaurant, located at 101 E. Broad Street in Downtown Hazleton.
This is a structured networking opportunity offered exclusively for members of the Hazleton Chamber, their employees and co-workers. It provides an excellent opportunity to showcase and promote a business or services to a captive audience. Registration and networking begins at 11:30 a.m. Following lunch, attendees will stand one-by-one in a relaxed, casual atmosphere and introduce themselves, their business and services and company information to their fellow members.
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Providence Place Senior Living is sponsoring an exclusive Chamber Networking Mixer on Thursday, September 15th from 5 pm to 7 pm. They are located at 149 S. Hunter Highway, on Route 309 in Drums.
Chamber members, their employees, co-workers & guests are invited to this free, casual, after-hours event, which provides a networking opportunity for the business community of Greater Hazleton. Attendees will have the opportunity meet the Providence Place team, take facility tours and enjoy the fall ambiance their the beautiful outdoor, third floor deck area has to offer. Complimentary hors ‘d oeuvres, desserts, a fall beer selection, sangria and more will be provided. Doorprize drawings will also take place so be sure to bring business cards.
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