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Hazleton Chamber of Commerce

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Providence Place Senior Living Networking MixerProvidence Place Senior Living is sponsoring an exclusive Chamber Networking Mixer on Thursday, September 15th from 5 pm to 7 pm. They are located at 149 S. Hunter Highway, on Route 309 in Drums.

Chamber members, their employees, co-workers & guests are invited to this free, casual, after-hours event, which provides a networking opportunity for the business community of Greater Hazleton. Attendees will have the opportunity meet the Providence Place team, take facility tours and enjoy the fall ambiance their the beautiful outdoor, third floor deck area has to offer. Complimentary hors ‘d oeuvres, desserts, a fall beer selection, sangria and more will be provided. Doorprize drawings will also take place so be sure to bring business cards.

Reservations are required by either registering on the Chamber Calendar of Events online at, contact Julie at the Chamber office at 570.455.1509 or .

Pictured in the photo from the left are event sponsors from Providence Place Senior Living Ann Marie Pfeil, Stephanie Mller and Christine Yurchak.


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