Greater Hazleton Area residents looking for employment opportunities are invited to take part in the 29th Annual Greater Hazleton Job Fair taking place this Thursday, March 20th at the Laurel Mall on Route 93 in Hazleton.
34 participating firms will be on hand to locate full, part-time, internships, temporary or summer workers and to promote various educational and career opportunities.
The event will take place from 10:00 AM to 3:30 PM.
The 29th Annual Greater Hazleton Job Fair is coordinated by the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce and the Hazleton Careerlink. Sponsors include the Luzerne/Schuylkill Workforce Investment Board, Inc., CAN DO, Inc. Media partners include Standard Speaker, Panorama Community Magazine, El Mensajero International, SSPTV News, WYLN TV 35, 911 Informativo, Barletta Outdoor Advertising, The River; 105 & 1035, Magic 105.5 WMGH and The Anthracite Post.
Participating businesses include: Avenues Vocational & Employment Services – Hazleton, Blaise Alexander, Comfort Keepers, Cross Valley Federal Union, ESS, LLC, Federal Bureau of Prisons (FCI Schuylkill), Freedom Corrugated, Hazleton Careerlink, Hydro Extrusion North America, i2M, Insteel Wire Products, Integrity Staffing Solutions, J&D Professional Services, Johnson College, Kelly Iron Works Inc., Keystone Job Corps Center, Lackawanna College Hazleton, Lehigh Valley Health Network – Hazleton, Lineage, Luzerne County Community College, Luzerne County Head Start, Mature Worker Program, Mountain City Nursing & Rehab, Nestle Health Science, Nucor Towers & Structures Inc., PA State Police, Liquor Control Enforcement, PeopleShare, PFNonwovens, Polyglass USA Inc., R.E.M. Staffing, Service Electric Cablevision, St. Luke's Hospital - Miners Campus, The Hershey Company, United Energy Workers Healthcare.
Job seekers are encouraged to register at the Chamber table located at center court. A program will be distributed which lists all participating businesses and what positions they are hiring for.
For additional information contact the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce at 455-1509, or visit their website