The Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce Women’s Networking Committee is holding their second woman’s networking luncheon program for 2025 on Thursday, March 27th from 12 noon to 1 pm at the Valley Country Club, 79 Country Club Road in Sugarloaf. The event is being sponsored by Meadow and it is open for any woman to attend.
The program will begin promptly at 12 noon and will include a buffet lunch. Our guest speaker will be The Honorable Judge Tarah C. Toohil, Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas and she will present Judge Toohil: 3 years on the County Court.
Everyone will enjoy lunch, a 50/50 raffle and doorprize drawings. Attendees are encouraged to bring your business cards, brochures, coupons or giveaways to share on our "Business Resource Table".Additional luncheon programs for the remainder of the year have been set for Tuesdays, May 20th; July 29th, September 30th; and November 18th.
The cost to attend the luncheon program is $30.00 for Chamber members and $35.00 for non-Chamber members. Proceeds will benefit the Women’s Empowerment Grant Fund. Reservations are required by registering online, contacting the Chamber office at 455-1509, or emailing .
In other Chamber Women’s Networking committee news, their 19th Annual Ladies Night Out event will take place on Thursday, April 10th from 5:30 to 8 pm at Top of the 80’s Restaurant in Hazleton. The event will feature an evening of networking, relaxing, shopping & self-indulgence and is open for all women from throughout Greater Hazleton to attend. There are a few spaces remaining to display your wares. Please contact Leann at the Chamber for additional details on event space and for more event info or to register visit
Pictured standing from left to right are Chamber Women’s Networking Committee members along with the sponsor and guest speaker for the Women’s Luncheon next Thursday. AJ Onuschak, Top of the 80’s Restaurant; Cathy Colangelo, Partners in Education; The Honorable Judge Tarah Toohil, event guest speaker; Donna Marie Dougherty, Billig-Helmes Insurance; Danielle Matarella, Catholic Social Services; Jessica Spare, The Honesdale National Bank and also representing Meadow Container, event sponsor and Lisa Marie Halecky, Lehigh Valley Hospital – Hazleton.