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Hazleton Chamber of Commerce

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The Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce Women’s Networking Committee is holding their final woman’s networking luncheon program for 2023 on Tuesday, November 28th from 12 noon to 1 pm at Rostas Café on 15th Street in Hazleton. The event is being sponsored by Maria Rosario Allstate Agency and the event is open for any woman to attend.


The program will begin promptly at 12 noon and will include a buffet lunch. The guest speaker is Susan J. Selby, CEO from Immanuel Christian School who is presenting on Cultural Intelligence and Cultural Competency. Prioritizing cultural intelligence within one's organization is essential for flourishing teams that are effective, creative, and innovative. Culturally competent teams make better decisions, and are more honest and more satisfied problem solvers. You will receive some tools to grow in a more authentic understanding of yourself and others and you'll be empowered to be an influencer of more cultural awareness in your workplace.


Dooprize drawings including, a free lunch for the next program and the opportunity to give an introduction of your business at the event will be drawn. Women are encouraged to bring along promotional items, such as business cards, brochures, giveaways, etc. to display on our business resource table.

The cost to attend the luncheon program is $25.00 for Chamber members and $30.00 for non-Chamber members and the fee will be collected at the door. Proceeds will benefit the Women’s Empowerment Grant Fund. Reservations are required by registering online, contacting the Chamber office at 455-1509, or emailing


Pictured in the photo from the left are Chamber women’s networking luncheon committee members and sponsor: AJ Onschak, Top of the 80’s Restaurant and Jessica Spare, Luzerne Bank, committee members; Maria Rosario, Maria Rosario Allstate Agency, event sponsor; Lisa Marie Halecky, Lehigh Valley Hospital – Hazleton, Kim McNulty, MMI Preparatory School and Laura Jones, Lehigh Valley Hospital – Hazleton, luncheon committee members.


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